The Buddy Holly Story
Researched and Compiled by
Terry R. Shaw
Copyright © 2000 by Terry R. Shaw
Pages constructed and maintained
by Peter Moorcroft
Dates And Recording Information
The Early Years and KDAV
Release Date Key:- S=Single A=Album
Bootlegged:- The song is available in some form which is not sanctioned by the owning record companies.
Mon.9/7/36 UNRECORDED: Charles Hardin “Buddy” Holley is born to Lawrence Odell “L.O.” and Ella Pauline Drake Holley at home at 1911 6th St. in Lubbock, Texas at about 2:30pm. According to the Lubbock Avalanche-Journal newspaper, he was born at the Clark-Key Clinic at 6:10pm. Appropriately, it was Labor Day. The attending physician was Dr. Olan Key of the Clinic. Buddy was named after his grandfathers. The Lubbock Avalanche-Journal ran an incorrect story saying “A daughter weighing 8 ½ pounds was born…” They also gave an incorrect address of 7913 6th St. Buddy had three older siblings: Larry, Travis and Patricia. He began learning violin at five or six; switched to piano at eight for about nine months, then steel guitar (he took twenty lessons) and, finally, acoustic guitar. Brother Larry taught him the chords. The family later moved to 1926 24th Street in Lubbock with a phone number of PO3-1225.
UNK/41 UNRECORDED: The three Holley brothers enter and win a local music contest. The prize is five dollars. Larry plays fiddle, Travis plays accordion and five-year old Buddy plays a small violin. His brothers have greased the bow to cut down the screeching. They perform "Have You Ever Gone Sailing On The River Of Memories", which their mother had taught them.
UNK/47 UNRECORDED: Buddy’s parents buy him a steel guitar, but Buddy says he doesn’t want it. He asks for a regular guitar instead. He gets an acoustic Epiphone.
UNK/49 MY TWO-TIMIN' WOMAN (C.E. "Hank" Snow) Buddy Holley makes his first recording. He sings a Hank Snow song into a wire recorder at his home. His 13 year-old voice is so high that he sounds like a woman. There is very good guitar picking though. The recording exists and has been released. The family moves to 3325 36th Street in Lubbock, Texas. You can hear this song at internet site
UNK/50 UNRECORDED: A fourteen year old Buddy Holley meets a 12 year old Jerry Ivan "J.I." Allison. Nothing more is known about the meeting, that is if they discussed their interest in music or if Jerry was even playing the drums at the time.. They became friends though. They didn't join up musically for another 5 years. Buddy is aware of Jerry's drumming in later years but, at that time, drums were frowned on in country music, which is what Buddy was playing and, initially, recording.
FOOTPRINTS IN THE SNOW (Traditional Buddy Holly/Bob Montgomery) Released. Another source says this song was recorded in 1953, but listening to the songs, it sounds like it was done at the same session.
Buddy Holley and Bob Montgomery make home recordings at 3325 16th St. in Lubbock, Texas. Again, Buddy is very young, as is Bob. They sound like teenagers. Buddy plays the mandolin and Bob plays guitar. All were released in the U.S. All are bootlegged on 6/95-A and you can hear the first two songs at the website
Mon. 8/18/52 UNRECORDED: Buddy gets his driver's license. (His mother wrote on the license that he was 16 or 17 years old when she gave it away, but in America you get the license when you're 16.)
9-10/53 UNRECORDED: Soon after Dave Pinkston ( Dave "Pappy" Stone) started up radio station KDAV,(which was America's first all-country station), in Lubbock, Texas, Buddy and friend Jack Neal perform on "The Sunday Party".
Sun. 11/8/53 UNRECORDED: Buddy and Jack Neal begin their own weekend show, the "Buddy and Jack Show". On the first broadcast, they perform "Your Cheatin' Heart", "I Got You On My Mind"," I Couldn't Keep From Crying", and "I Hear The Lord Callin' For Me".
UNK/53 UNRECORDED: Buddy hand prints a letter to send our to area schools looking for dance jobs. In it he says, “We are a group of high-school boys that has organized one of the leading hill-billy & Western bands in Lubbock. We are interested in helping neighborhood high schools to raise funds and at the same time raise money for us to help pay our way through high school. I know that you wouldn't want to let just anyone play at your school, so if you have not heard of us, we are the 580 Ranch Hands * Buddy and Jack, and we have two radio programs every Sunday afternoon at 3:15 o'clock and 3:30 o'clock respectively. The radio station we are on, is KDAV (580 on your radio dial). If it would not be asking too much, we would like to request your listening to our programs and see if you like us. If you need any references, you may write to Hi-Pockets, or Dave Stone c/o radio station KDAV here in Lubbock, and ask them about us. Now, here is what we would like to ask you about. We would like to come to your school and play a stage show for the entertainment of the citizens, school children, and neighboring farms people of your town. We could advertise over the radio when we were going to be there and get a good audience built up. I know that if your school is like our school, it can always use some extra money. We have helped quite a few schools around Austin, Texas, to gather money in this way and they were quite satisified with the results. If you are at all interested in this, we would qppreciate it very much if you would write to me, Buddy Holley, 2304-1st Street, Lubbock, Texas."
Tues. 11/10/53 I HEAR THE LORD CALLIN' FOR ME (Jack Neal)
I SAW THE MOON CRY LAST NIGHT (AKA "I Saw The Moon Crying Last Night") (Jack Neal)
Buddy with his parents and Jack Neal
Buddy Holley and Jack Neal make acetate recordings at KDAV radio at 6602 Quirt Ave., Lubbock, Texas. Jack and Buddy play guitars. Jack sings the vocals. They still exist and have been released in
the UK in 1996.
Sat. 11/28/53 UNRECORDED: 13-year old Joe B. Mauldin, son of Mrs. Winta Dean Mauldin, 2307 27th St., Lubbock, was injured and
sent to the hospital when the motorscooter he was riding along with Olan (Butch) Jones, 14-year-old son of Mrs. D.S. Jones, 2216 38th St., Lubbock, was struck by a car. The car was driven by
another 14-year old, Mike Boydston, who was ticketed for driving without a license. Joe B. and “Butch” were carrying records home to listen to.
Late/53 UNRECORDED: KADV's "Buddy and Jack Show" is replaced by the "Buddy and Bob Show" as Buddy and Jack break up and Bob Montgomery joins forces with Buddy.
Fri.2/19/54 UNRECORDED: Buddy Holley, Bob Montgomery and Larry Welborn perform "Flower of My Heart" (Bob Montgomery/Don Guess) for Lubbock High School’s "Westerner Roundup" contest. The song was later picked as the official "Class Song". At either this show or a later one, Buddy sings "Too Old To Cut The Mustard" for a certain teacher. It didn’t go over very well with the faculty or the administration according to Buddy’s mother.
UNK/54 SOFT PLACE IN MY HEART (Bob Montgomery) Two different takes were released and bootlegged on 6/95-A.
GOTTA GET YOU NEAR ME BLUES (AKA "Gotta Get You Near My Heart")(Bob Montgomery) Bootlegged on 6/95-A.
DOOR TO MY HEART (Bob Montgomery) Released and bootlegged on 6/95-A.
FLOWER OF MY HEART (Bob Montgomery/Don Guess) This song can be heard in the film, "The Real Buddy Holly Story". Released and bootlegged on the "Recorded Live" album.
I GAMBLED MY HEART (Buddy Holly/Bob Montgomery) Released and bootlegged on 6/95-A.
All the songs were recorded at the Nesman Recording Studios, 3108 York Ave., Wichita Falls, Texas and released in 1/65-A. The musicians were Buddy on guitar, Sonny Curtis on guitar and fiddle, Larry Welborn and Don Guess on bass and steel guitar. Buddy and Bob did the vocals. UNK on steel guitar on "Soft Place In My Heart". Norman Petty and the Fireballs (George Tomsco, lead guitar, Stan Lark, bass, Keith McCormick, rhythm guitar, Lyn Bailey, bass, and Doug Roberts, drums) overdubbed additional instruments on 10/6/63 at Norman Petty Studios, 1313 W. 7th St., Clovis, New Mexico.
Tues. 9/7/54 UNRECORDED: Buddy enters his senior year at Lubbock High School. At this time, his family was living at 2304 1st Street, Lubbock, Texas.
Sun.2/13/55 UNRECORDED: Buddy and Bob open an 8pm show that includes Elvis at the Fair Park Coliseum in Lubbock, Texas. Also on the show is Ferlin Husky, Bill Carlisle and Martha Carlson.
UNK/Early 55 I FORGOT TO REMEMBER TO FORGET (Stan Kesler/Charlie Feathers) Buddy records his favorite Elvis song at station KLLL, Suite 2001, Great Plains Building, Lubbock, Texas. It’s unknown who else played on the acetate disc and if it still exists. Buddy, supposedly, disliked it so much that he scratched the disc up so that it was unplayable. Another source gives the year as 1956.
Sat.4/23/55 UNRECORDED: Buddy visits Clyde Hankins at Adair Music in Lubbock, Texas and trades in his gold Gibson Les Paul guitar (his first electric guitar) for his famous Fender Stratocaster. He paid $249.50. Another source gives the store as Harrod Music in Lubbock. His brother, Larry, loaned him the money.
Buddy's favourite guitars, his leatherbound Gibson acoustic and his beloved Fender
Fri.5/27/55 UNRECORDED: "Buddy Charles Holley" graduates from Lubbock High School in a ceremony held at the Fair Park Coliseum.
Fri.6/3/55 UNRECORDED: At a 4pm matinee, Buddy opens for Elvis at the Fair Park Coliseum. Then Buddy and Elvis sign autographs at 7pm in the showroom of the Johnson-Connelley Pontiac car dealership.
UNK/55 ALL FROM LOVING YOU (Ben Hall) Recorded at KSEL, Lubbock, Texas.
ROSE OF MONTEREY (Ben Hall) Recorded at KDAV, Lubbock, Texas.
Buddy plays guitar on acetates made by Ben Hall (vocals) at radio stations in Lubbock, Texas. Other performers are Sonny Curtis on fiddle, Weldon Myrick on steel guitar and Dena Hall on bass. The songs have been released in the UK in 1993.
Tues. 6/7/55 DOWN THE LINE (Buddy Holly/Bob Montgomery)
YOU AND I ARE THROUGH (Buddy Holly/Bob Montgomery)
BABY LET’S PLAY HOUSE (AKA "I Wanna Play House With You") (Arthur Gunter)
All the songs were recorded at the Nesman Recording Studios in Wichita Falls, Texas, and were released in 1/65-A. The musicians are Buddy and Bob Montgomery on guitar and vocals, Larry Welborn or Don Guess on bass, Sonny Curtis on guitar and Jerry "J.I." Allison on drums. It is the first known recording of Buddy and Jerry Allison together. The Fireballs added overdubs in 1964. All the songs were bootlegged. Another source says they were recorded at the Jim Beck Studios in Dallas, Texas, and yet another claims radio station KDAV in Lubbock, Texas. All the songs were bootlegged in 6/95-A.
UNK/55 UNRECORDED: Buddy, Bob (Montgomery) and Larry (Welborn) perform "Down The Line" on Dallas radio station KRLD's "The Big D Jamboree". It was probably not recorded and no recording has surfaced over the years.
Fri.10/14/55 UNRECORDED: Buddy, Bob (Montgomery) and Larry (Welborn) open a show with Bill Haley and Jimmy Rodgers Snow (son of Hank Snow) at the Fair Park Coliseum in Lubbock, Texas.
Sat.10/15/55 “BUDDY, ELVIS, JOHNNY AND CARL HOME MOVIE” Buddy and Bob open an 8pm show with Elvis and Johnny Cash at the Fair Park Coliseum in Lubbock, Texas. A color home movie is shot of Buddy and Bob performing on stage with Sonny Curtis on lead guitar and Don Guess on bass. Then Buddy and Bob are seen posing backstage. More of the film shows Elvis Presley talking with people backstage, Johnny Cash posing backstage, Carl Perkins posing backstage and, finally, Elvis performing on stage. This is considered the earliest film of Elvis performing on stage. The movie is seen in the film, “The Real Buddy Holly Story”.
Fri.10/28/55 UNRECORDED: Buddy, Bob and Larry open a show with Marty Robbins at the Fair Park Coliseum in Lubbock, Texas.
11/55 UNRECORDED: Buddy, Bob and Larry open shows with Elvis, Bill Haley and Marty Robbins at the Fair Park Coliseum in Lubbock, Texas. Marty Robbins' manager, Eddie Crandall, spots Buddy.
Fri. 12/2/55 UNRECORDED: Talent scout Eddie Crandall (Marty Robbins' agent) sends a letter dated this date to Dave "Pappy" Stone (Dave Pinkston), owner of KDAV radio, about Buddy. It says, "Dave, I'm very confident that I can do something as far as getting Buddy Holley a recording contract. It may not be a major one, but even a small one would be beneficial…. Col. Parker suggested I try and help Buddy as he's pretty well tied up…Marty Robbins also thinks Buddy has what it takes. So, all we can do is try…" Of course, Col. Parker was Elvis' manager.
Sat.12/3/55 UNRECORDED: Eddie Crandall sends a telegram to Dave "Pappy" Stone at KDAV radio that says, "Have Buddy Holly cut 4 original songs on ascetate (sic). Dont change his style at all. Get these to me soon as possible air mail special. Eddie Crandall 319 7 Ave North"
Wed.12/7/55 LOVE ME (Buddy Holly/Sue Parrish)
DON'T COME BACK KNOCKIN' (Buddy Holly/Sue Parrish)
BABY WON'T YOU COME OUT TONIGHT (AKA "Moonlight Baby") (Don Guess)
These are the four songs Buddy chose to send to Eddie Crandall. All were recorded on acetate at the KDAV radio studios. The musicians are Buddy on guitar, Don Guess on bass, and Jerry "J.I." Allison on drums. It’s unknown if the acetate exists. The songs have all been released but they were re-recorded in Nashville on 1/26/56 or in Clovis, New Mexico in 2/56.
UNK/55 BABY IT'S LOVE (Ella Holley/Bob Montgomery)
MEMORIES (Bob Montgomery) Bootlegged on 6/95-A.
QUEEN OF THE BALLROOM (Don Guess) Bootlegged on the "Recorded Live" album.
SOFT PLACE IN MY HEART (Bob Montgomery) (2nd Version)
MEMORIES (Bob Montgomery) (2nd Version)
All were recorded at radio station KDAV in Lubbock, Texas and released in 6/65-A and 2/81-A. after the Fireballs overdubbed them in 1964, except "Queen", "Soft", and "Memories".